Weigh your gold merchandise for pricing
The most important part of understanding the gold value is weighing your gold merchandise. You HAVE to weigh your items that you can properly use a gold calculator. Do not use an old kitchen scale. Using an old kitchen scale can result in grave evaluation mistakes. If your scale is not accurate, you may assume that you have to get way more money for your gold than offered buy a buyer. Or it’s going in the opposite direction and your scale is showing less weight and you are about to leave money on the table.
An accurate scale is pretty inexpensive. You can find them on eBay or Amazon for usually less than 10 dollars. Even such an inexpensive scale will provide you enough accuracy to price your gold very accurate. It is really worth to buy a scale for 5 or 10 dollars if you are able to get way more money for your gold by simply knowing the real value.
Find A Cheap Scale On Amazon
Non Precious Materials Reduce The Value
Please understand that you cannot get paid for pearls, semi precious gemstones or a watch movement. Those items may be included in the determined weight but they have to be deducted for a proper value evaluation. You can either remove those items at home or you may ask a goldsmith to remove it for you.
Using a scale is the only way to learn about the real value in your gold merchandise. Don’t get fooled by a jeweler you may trust since years as those folks really know how to take advantage of your situation. It’s not about loosing tip money, this is really about loosing serious money. You may get shorted by a few hundred dollars but even by thousands of dollars if you have know knowledge.
You don’t want to leave money on the table! Do a research, use a gold calculator, and understand pricing. Always check the gold price before you agree to a purchase offer. A reliable gold buyer will take off approx. 10% as profit.